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Dr. Michael Gervais

461: Work from the Inside Out | AMA Vol. 21

Today we’re excited to share Volume 21 of Finding Mastery’s Ask Me Anything.

We’re back once again with our entertaining and insightful co-host – O’Neil Cespedes – and in today’s conversation, we explore topics like:

  • How to show our kids that we’re invested in their success without pressuring them
  • The real meaning of “potential” and how to nurture it
  • The dangers of cognitive bias
  • Finding a healthy level of FOPO, and avoiding FOPO’s dark side
  • How to move forward from trauma without looking back
  • What it means to work from the inside out
  • And so much more…

And as always, we have a lot of fun with this. You’ll hear about my regrettable diet as a college student, and what O’Neil learned in his disastrous audition for The Lion King.

These AMAs are some of our favorite episodes. Your insightful questions both challenge and inspire us… they allow us to go deeper into the core principles we talk about here… it’s awesome. Keep them coming.

Reply back to this email with any burning questions or thoughts you’ve been wrestling with.

With Fire,


“The next – or best – version of me is not out there to go find. The next version of me is eliciting what’s already inside of me. More often, more easily, more frequently, more daringly, more creatively.”

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