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Friday Focus Newsletter

The Friday Focus: The Power of Consistency

One Thought from Finding Mastery

This week, we’re reflecting on the role consistency plays in helping us become our best.

No matter what we’re up to—whether we’re forming new habits, building strong relationships, or taking on new challenges—consistency is at the core of excellence. It transforms our aspirations into reality.

Beyond that, consistency ensures those milestones are sustainable over time — instead of being isolated moments.

Regular, deliberate action optimizes our opportunities to focus and fine-tune, making consistency the engine of our drive to improve.

One Example from the Podcast

Many of the people we sit with on the podcast are living examples of consistency.

Take Ryan Holiday, for example: three-time guest on the Finding Mastery podcast and powerful interpreter and advocate of Stoic philosophy.

Ryan’s daily commitment to practicing Stoicism and building a body of work based off of Stoic principles—including a top podcast, twelve bestselling books, and a newsletter that reaches 300K+ people—is a testament to what’s possible when you show up and do the work.

In our most recent conversation with Ryan, he emphasizes the pathway to mastery lies in consistency, a.k.a, showing up every day and doing the work. It’s not just about performing in high-pressure situations but being dedicated to the daily process that leads to long-term success.

Check out Episode 462: Do the Right Thing, Right Now | Ryan Holiday

One Action For You

When you take any action consistently, it’s only a matter of time until you see progress.

Reflect for a second and ask yourself: which part of your life would benefit the most from more consistency? Then build your consistent practice around that.

Start small, you don’t need to go 0 to 100.

  • Commit to something realistic upfront—like a 10 minute walk, reading one page of a book, or writing for 5 minutes in your journal every day. The smaller the task, the more likely you are to actually complete it.
  • When that small action becomes easy and feels like muscle memory, add a bit more. Think of pushups and sit ups. If you do 10 pushups and 10 sit ups every day, eventually your body will adapt and you’ll have the strength to increase the amount. Once you feel that added strength, that’s when it’s time to layer on.
  • From there, it’s all about staying focused and committed to the process. Let your consistency feed your momentum forward. It’s those small actions taken often that keep the engine turning.

When you commit to putting one foot in front of the other no matter what, you’ll create a default that naturally pushes you toward your end goal.

We’d love to hear about your process – and make space for others in our community to support you along the way who are on a similar path.

Tag us on social @FindingMastery, @MichaelGervais and on IG, X, or LinkedIn.

And please share this email with anyone you think would resonate.

With Fire,

The Finding Mastery team