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Dr. Michael Gervais

427: Positivity Through Tough Times, Re-Defining ‘Manhood’, and The Power of Humor | Ask Me Anything Vol. 15

Welcome to Volume 15 of Finding Mastery’s Ask Me Anything (AMA) series. In this latest installment, O’Neil Cespedes and I explore the intricate dance between our physical and mental states, especially during times of challenge and change.

Key topics covered this week include:

  • The profound connection between our physical and mental health.
  • Strategies for maintaining an optimistic mindset during setbacks.
  • The role of psychological agility in viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • The changing definition of ‘manhood’.
  • Best practices for coaches and teammates in supporting athletes through injury.
  • The transformative power of humor in relieving tension in high-stress situations.
  • Embracing mistakes and overcoming the fear of failure for personal growth and resilience.

As always, we are grateful for your questions and insights that continue to drive these meaningful conversations. Your engagement is what makes this series so rich and impactful.Catch the full conversation on YouTube, or tune into the audio version on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast platform. And don’t forget, we’re always eager to hear from you – reply to this email with any feedback or questions for future AMAs.

“Ask yourself this: Do you view challenges in your life as threats or opportunities?”

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