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Dr. Michael Gervais

450: Redefining Failure, Effective Parenting, and Facing Pain | AMA Vol. 19

Today we’re excited to share Volume 19 of Finding Mastery’s Ask Me Anything.

We’re back with our co-host – O’Neil Cespedes – and in today’s conversation, we explore topics like: 

  • How to re-define failure
  • Why facing your deepest pains can be transformative
  • How to overcome defensiveness in order to establish meaningful connections
  • Why parents need to focus on more than their child’s academic achievements
  • And so much more…

We love these conversations and it’s because we get to wrestle with the questions that matter most to you. They’re incredible. 

Thank you for challenging us with great questions…. and keep them coming.

We hope you enjoy Volume 19 of Finding Mastery’s Ask Me Anything.

“It sounds contradictory, but one of the worst things you can do in a loving relationship is try to minimize or take away the other person’s pain.”

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