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This conversation is with Mark Divine. Mark and I first met a number of years ago at a high performance camp (Elite11).

Mark served 20 years in the Navy SEALs, retiring in 2011 — and has taken his insights and best practices from the SEAL’s candidate mentoring program to create a warrior-leader training model that involves physical, mental, and emotional, and intuition training — the idea was to create a training process for corporate teams, sport teams, first responders and warriors from all walks of life — that were based on what he came to understand from training thousands of special operators candidates across the globe.

The company names are SEALFIT (Physical and mental training), and Unbeatable Mind.

The reason I wanted to connect with him — is because he has sincere interest in helping people grow, by pushing their limits, as well as, he has a fantastic command of the basic mental skills that can either accelerate or inhibit progressive learning (pushing boundaries as a way to improve at an accelerate speed requires the intent to do so, and the mental skills to “stay in it” when it’s hard.”

What I hope comes through this conversation is that if you’re not training your mind — seriously training your mind, you’re not getting the most out of your potential. We go pretty deep into a handful of mental skills, as well as, specific ways to begin a mindfulness training program.

There’s no time like now to get started, or to re-start (over and over and over again) training your mind. It’s not complicated, but it does take time. Know your ideal mindset (for the craft your invested in). Know the inner-dialog that supports and gets in your way. Invest in breathing, so that you can have a command of your activation levels when you need it. Know you philosophy, articulate your mission in life (in writing) — and push limits every day so that you can figure out how to think when it doesn’t go the way you had planned.

“I personally believe that the training of the mind starts with training the body.”

In This Episode:

  • Linking physical and mental training
  • The different facets of the brain and the purpose of each
  • What mindfulness truly means
  • How nature impacted his experiences in his formative years
  • His first experiences practicing visualization as a swimmer at Colgate
  • Coming to realize he wasn’t meant to follow the “drum beat” of his family
  • Fulfilling his desire to become a warrior leader
  • What goes into his mindfulness practice
  • Identifying and confronting things that agitate you from the past
  • The “Big 4” Skills.. Breath, Dialogue, Feeling, Task Orientation
  • Preparing to win the day and cement it without regret


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