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Tina Seelig is Professor of the Practice in the Department of Management Science and Engineering, and a Faculty Director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program at Stanford University School of Engineering.

At Stanford, she teaches courses and leads three fellowship programs focused on creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Seelig earned her PhD in Neuroscience at Stanford Medical School, and has been a management consultant, entrepreneur, and author of 17 books, including Insight Out (2016), inGenius (2012), and What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 (2009). She is the recipient of the Gordon Prize from the National Academy of Engineering, the Olympus Innovation Award, and the Silicon Valley Visionary Award.

Tina is on it.

This was so much fun — really hope Tina’s path and insights help generate ways of thinking and doing, to help you become the very best you.

“Before something is your passion, it’s something you know nothing about. Your passions reveal themselves through experiences.”

In This Episode:

  • Growing up in a family culture that loved debate
  • The difference between creativity and innovation
  • Having the proper mindset and skills to succeed
  • How she defines an entrepreneur
  • The different ways to frame a problem
  • Power of asking the right questions
  • Why diversity and teamwork are key to successful ventures
  • Her philosophy: Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous
  • External vs. Internal Drivers of Motivation
  • How you find out what your passions are
  • How to unlock creativity
  • The model she created and stands by: the innovation engine
  • Why habitat influences culture
  • The traps that come with maintaining a high culture
  • The different types of risk and understanding your “risk profile”
  • How she approaches failure


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